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Spouting Off with Karen Kataline


Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

Karen has a lot to say about the upcoming mid-terms and the Atlantic's article calling for "Pandemic Amnesty for those who bullied, intimidated, and harmed citizens all over the western world.  They haven't asked for forgiveness, they haven't shown remorse about the lives that were destroyed and ended, they haven't pledged to do better, but victims of the tyranny should just "forgive and forget."   Really?


We'll be discussing the practical wisdom of a man who was dedicated to empowering people in business, leaving behind a legacy that is timeless.

Sweeping changes are taking place in the corporate and social cultures of today's most successful organizations. Dana Ardi identifies a pivotal evolutionary moment: the decline of the traditional Alpha-model that has ruled corporate environments for far too long. We'll find out how collaboration, connectivity and sharing of power goes a long way for a healthier business environment.