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When I go through my Facebook feed, I see loads of people sharing pretty pictures with quotes about how the world is just a dream and how we all need to move out of duality consciousness.

Lovely, right?

So, if all these “awakened” people truly believe what they share, why aren’t they attending Satsang or working with a spiritual guide?

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

We revisit the teaching of the vow of the poverty in this session, looking closely at how the collective needs to function in alignment with it's core values. Shusara speaks to the role trust plays in the choices the personal self makes and shows us the difference in the way the heart functions. She also answers a listeners question about self love.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Shusara focuses our attention on the 144,000 who came here in service to humanity because they are now being called to awaken. Are you one of the 144K? If so, connect with us at Shusara also shares techniques to navigate the strong energies that are coming up at this time. Now is the time to commit yourselves to looking deeper into the contruct of your personal self. Are you functioning from the inclusivity of the heart or the exclusivity of the ego?

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

After the initial clearing and guided meditation Shusara answerd two questions from our listeners. We came back to the topic of shame and looked at how the collective is currently experiencing issues around futility, despair and hopelessness. Shusara shared how synchronicity can show you what is moving in the collective and offered a way to view our personal issues from the greater lens of the collective. The session ended with a five minute meditation focused on transmuting discordant energies that had come up to be released during the session.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

The program tonight began with a short guided meditation. Shusara answered a listeners question about making changes to the personality - is this bad?The rest of the session focused on the state of mind called shame. In closing, Shusara pointed out the symbolism of the Buddha under the Bodhi Tree to all of us living our lives here.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's show began with revisitng the teaching of the Buddha: The cup is already broken, or as Shusara would say, the only thing permanent here is impermanence. Shusara answered the question of how ego is different from mind. We then looked at the need for people to begin objectively observing their own personality and stop playing the victim role. Having a sense of humor and living in kindness were both encouraged and elaborated on.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

The program began with a brief discussion about the subtle, and not so subtle, physical cues people receive when they have been triggered. We then talked about the value of "self-help" work in this paradigm, pointing out the paradox that exists between how it functions here,  as opposed to within non-polarity. Shusara spent some time advising everyone on how spiritual ego wants to negate certain levels of teachings and edify others. It is imperative that we view all things as equal.

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Topics for the session include: 

- staying in one's innocense during these chaotic times

- the pitfalls of having expectations towards meditation

- misconceptions about functioning in the world from an enlightened state and the subtleties of spiritual   ego

SELF-MASTERY, POWER, & JOY, these are the topics Caroline will discuss today. Self-mastery is important for all people who want to evolve into better people, but it is especially important for a Shaman. It is imperative in doing Shamanic Journey Work that the Shaman be able to get their mind, their ego, and their Self out of the way so that they are truly a hollow reed open to receive what the spirits are showing them without imposing their viewpoint, perspective, or rationalization on it.