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JD Rucker Show

Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Covid "Vaccines" Worldwide - The JD Rucker Show

Dr. Peter McCullough has built up a tremendous reputation as an elite doctor for decades. But the Covid-19 pandemic has propelled him to superstar status a he travels the world telling world leaders how wrong they've been since Covid-19 was released.

In this interview, Dr. McCullough reveals not only how he's been fighting the good fight but even explains how he came to his conclusions. He's been vaccinated a tremendous number of times through the years and Covid opened his eyes.

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Dr. Peter McCullough and then Judy Cali

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr and guests Joshua Yoder and Dr. Peter McCullough

Spiritual trips to Mt. Shasta and Sedona Arizona

Joshua Yoder, US Freedom Flyers, for medical choice for pilots on masks and the shots. 

Dr. Peter McCullough, Famous US Medical Doctor (Heart Surgeon),

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