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Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Cosmic Love with Dr Christopher Rudy


A compilation and commentary

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Cosmic LOVE with Dr Christopher Rudy

Kevin Raphael Fitch on Cosmic LOVE

Raphael is a widely known writer and teacher

of advanced astrology for detective work,

trend reports and self development.

Listen to Raphael's 'Cosmic Weather Report'

with astrology portents now and for 2021.

In this show, we will discuss 1st principles

of ‘cosmic’ (quantum) law framing the

unique astrology and psychology

 for each and all at this time.

Discussing 3 compendiums on

the 2020 Presidential Election:

(Click or Tap on Title)

Global Reset to Heaven or Hell?

Nov 8, 2020

Trump Prevails with Sting Operation

Nov 6, 2020

Here’s my new compendium with some

excellent videos and articles HERE.


Keep the Faith - See the Good

And Make it So!


2020s Global Co-Creation Series

August 29, 2020 /

Battle for the Soul of America

A Compendium on the Great Awakening

The Transformation to a ‘Global Village’;

the ALL-connected Family of Mankind

Global Crisis Challenges & Opportunity

The Aquarian Mandate – Prime Directive

The 8-8 Lion's Gate Portal

 The energetic high point of the Lion's Gate