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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

You can forget about your doctor… Biden’s FDA chief says the leading cause of death in America is “disinformation.”

Columnist Robert Spencer “fact checks” this nonsense.  

Plus Rep. Ron Hanks on his U.S. Senate campaign.

Executive Shine with Jill Wright

Executive Shine with Jill Wright and guest Dr. Caroline Ware

I am a conventional doctor of medicine, who is also blessed with the gift of clairvoyance. I have been through training as a psychic, a healer, and a medium in addition to my training in an anesthesiologist. My passion is to bring healing to a whole new dimension: with Spirit. Healers of the past, used spiritual technique because there was no technology to aid them in the care of patients.

In today's fast paced society It's easy to let our health go. We find ourselves eating things that we know aren't good for us, made with ingredients we can't even pronounce! Is it any wonder America is in the middle of an health crisis, from type II diabetes's, to hyper-tension and obesity? Join me today with my special guest, Dr. Thomas Brewer Ph.D. he is a Chemist who specializes in nutritional blood microscopy. His greatest gift is his unique ability to present complex information in a simple manner. Dr.