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Interpretation: The Seat of Personal Power. Host, Sarah McCroskey interviews guest, Fred Burks, Executive Director of the PEERS Network of websites providing thorough research and well sourced documentation, on topics ranging from major cover-ups to the finest examples of human potential, community and courage.

The Tazz and Paula Show with Tazz Powers and Paula Nunes
Sons and Daughters of Roswell Witnesses Reveal Years of Abuse and Surveillance by U.S. Government.
Since 1947 when alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, the historic incident has been well documented, described, researched and explained in countless books, articles and films.

Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa


Government Secrets! Are they needed and why?

We are at the moment where government secrecy and the revelations of the depth of privacy invasion are daily conversations.  Is this the start of a much larger conversation and is there room for humanity to discover the depth of our spiritual maturity through it?