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and also

Aquarian Age Updates 

Looking forward to a millennial Golden Age.

Discussing three recent compendiums:

May 25, 2020 / Memorial Day


June 4, 2020

Reality Report - Plandora's Box Opened

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

The stock market has plunged further and

 faster than it did in the Great 1929 Crash.

   Trillions of dollars in wealth have vanished.

 The stress of all this is causing FAR MORE

  DIS-EASE than the flu bug going around.

An auspicious time for Aquarian perspective

 over the month - and millennia - in Aquarius.


Flashpoint in the rEVOLUTION

Kind Men Unite Among Mankind - Here's How!

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy
Three Recent Compendiums

Discussed in This Show

Follow the show narrative of these articles,

pausing to watch videos or read links.

 Reality Report:

Urgent Alert - WWIII False Flag

Game Over:

Deep State Loses / High State Wins

A Vision for the Future of Humanity

Keep the Faith, See the Good

and Make it So!

Discussing timely videos

and articles of the week:

1- The Julian Assange arrest, and

     Joseph Campbell's 'hero myth'

    Assange is the archetype of

global press freedom

Discussing three compendiums I’ve working on

the last two weeks:

The Existential Choice of Humanity

Education of the Heart, and

Awakening from the Matrix

Update on the Ascension Event

Greetings in the spirit of Cosmic LOVE.

Update on THE EVENT - two articles re: