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The CIA invented the term conspiracy theorist

Why the blue bloods sponsor islam – Audio

The common denominator between the NWO and islam – audio


Whatever Liberals say they support, it’s usually the opposite


Leftists use violence to further their ideology


abort white babies  audio


this white baby lived audio

Impromptu 1 hour rant. Will you pick up your cross or will you meld into the world?

People Who I Plan to Take Down, thanks to Justin Trudeau:

Another Ringside Report from the Great White North

by Kevin "The Champ" Annett

America was founded upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Listen to quotes from several of the Founding Fathers and their thoughts on what the impact Christianity had on the foundation of the USA.

More muslim attacks during ramadan.


Why is the New World Order fascinated with Genesis 3:22? What does it mean? Islamic attacks over the weekend

The Good News with Reverend Doctor Joseph Caesar

Good News with Reverend Dr Joseph Caesar

The Good News with Reverend Doctor Joseph Caesar

Good News with Reverend Dr Joseph Caesar

The Good News with Reverend Doctor Joseph Caesar

Good News with Reverend Dr Joseph Caesar

The Good News with Reverend Doctor Joseph Caesar

Good News with Reverend Dr Joseph Caesar