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ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode contained specific information about 5G, Flat Earth, The Mandela Effect and a focus on creating excellent health along with advanced healing techniques to deal with issues. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode centered around the complexities of the Mandela Effect, Flat Earth, The Event and the new 5G technology. Necessary is the understanding of the merging of two parallel timelines or parallel realities. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode contained information about the Merkaba fractilizing inside the photon, amalgamating timelines, 5G issues and the Mandela Effect. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode included discussion about 5G, Disclosure, the ET Yoga perspective on techniques and practices that increase consciousness and create excellent health. The 'XYZ Extraterrestrial Meditation' was also featured. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode covered the ET Yoga perspective on the concept "Are we locked in an alien simulation', the Event, Economic Reset and the roll out of 5G. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode covered quantum transition, pyramid and crystal planetary activation, Sun-Gazing, and Senzar the language of Lemuria and Atlantis. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode contained information about the Bosnian Pyramids, Egyptian Healing Rods, Mayan Birthdates, Andara Crystals and How to Change Beliefs. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode included information about new discoveries in science related to Time Dilation and the Healing Chamber of the Bosnian Pyramid. Further topics included formation of souls, the splitting of 3d and 5d Earth, the Ultimate Truths of Reality, a channeling from the Founders and bullet points of information for the spiritual seeker. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green=This episode contained information about the Atla-Ra, Akashic Record, Atlantis, Monotomic Elements and Alchemy.

ET Yoga with Charles Green, banner

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about the Merkaba vehicle, Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, Flashing Universe and Reality Creation. It included a Merkaba meditation.