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Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

The UFO's Mission to Help Humanity and The UFOs Responded to Me (A Double Feature)

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

A Hopeful Message for Humanity from Maitreya, the Christ

Maitreya, the Christ, delivered 140 simple but potent messages telepathically through Benjamin Creme in a series of public meetings in London from 1977 to 1982. What can we learn by listening to just one of these powerful spiritual messages? We also introduce Transmission Meditation, a powerful group meditation for the Age of Aquarius that is a service to the world. 

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

with Douglas Newsom

Benjamin Creme on Our Choice: Keep World Fascism or Build a World Family! It is in our hands to act now! 

Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

What If Buddha or Christ Returned Now? Part 2 with Benjamin Creme