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Simon Parkes opens our minds to new possibilities.  We touched upon A.I., (artificial intelligence), the Hadron Collider, Alex Collier, Putin, Hitler, the Fourth Reich, reptilians, mantids, "experiencers vs. abductees", military and black ops, super soldiers, cloning stations, archons and more.  I enjoy all of Simon's broadcasts, and this new show adds depth and dimension to the empowerment of individuals and humanity.  It's time to open to the vast picture which already exists, "for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear".

Nancy L. Hopkins shared about the shift from Pisces to the Aquarian Age, which we are in process of doing now; in addition to traversing a new part of the galaxy.  We dipped down the rabbit hole long enough to discern that those who have chosen the "way of technology", without regard to the Spirit of all things, have lost the game.  The old paradigms have nothing to prop them up, but propaganda, lies and technological mind control.  

Dr. Sasha Lessin and his wife Janet Lessin, brought us up to speed on many planetary and inter-planetary occurrences.  Janet shared a story about an abduction experience, and Sasha filled us in on the Annunaki, and their true relationship - often adversarial, to the human race.  We're assured that Source is directing the plays here, and that many races are working to assist with the enormous shift we are going through now.  This is a must hear, for those who like to be "in the k_now".  Be sure to check out their websites above!  Both have exciting new books out...

Inelia Benz shared on many levels:  about her recent move to Washington State to live on a houseboat, her dazzling new book, Interview With a Psychic, and a new relationship with a mutual friend.