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Miracle-Minded Radio

Join Sheldon Jo and Scott Krajca in the powerful 26th Episode of Of Course Radio - Miracle-Minded Radio with A Course in Miracles. In this episode Sheldon and Scott read quotes from A Course in Miracles, take you on a guided meditation and then discuss the following:

  • Relationship and special relationships
  • Current affairs of American politics
  • Homelessness and Poverty
  • How to apply A course in Miracles and forgiveness to everything
Miracle-Minded Radio

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon Jo. Join Sheldon and Scott as they take you on a guided meditation and discuss current time with A Course in Miracles and true forgiveness in mind.

Miracle-Minded Radio

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon Jo. Episode 24 marks the return of Sheldon and Scott after taking several months off. Topics include: a deep guideded meditation with Holy Spirit by Sheldon, current/intense times and how to practice true forgiveness with A Course in Miracles.

The Dragon Families


High Council of Agartha

The Moon and the Montauk Program

Declaration of Independence

Earth Grid

Heaven on Earth

Delay regarding the Financial

His perspective of the Pope

Federation vs. Galactic Federation of Light

The order in which it unfolds

Ascended masters


Density: third/fourth or higher?






Alexandra Meadors continues to find herself on the other side of the microphone in Part 3 of "Who Are The Guardians?" She and Bibi Tinsley pick right up where they left off in Part Two.

What is a Guardian?

Where do the Guardians fit in regarding the bigger picture?

Who and what is the Guardian Alliance?

Who are The Ascended masters, and what role are they playing at this time with The Guardians?

Who and what is The Great White Brotherhood?