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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Michael Thau

The economy, public safety, the border and now Afghanistan. 

Is there anything the Biden and Dem agenda is not destroying before our eyes? 

Plus investigative columnist Michael Thau’s latest on the vaccine tests that weren’t.

Like many starseeds Mark Jones had a rough childhood including a family that was broken for almost 40 years. Acquiring a telescope changed his life. His interest in the skies, and his sense of belonging more 'out there' than on Earth, led him to pursue sky-watching with increasing expertise, wider and wider lenses, and a keen sense of the spiritual worlds that also lay beyond our normal 3d realms.

Helen Leatham is an Australian Registered Nurse who dedicated years to help improve conditions in some of the most devastated regions of the globe. After serving in an Australian aboriginal setting, Helen moved quickly to the 'front lines' with Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) in Afghanistan, Sudan and Nepal.

Galactic Connection with Alexandra Meadors

Alexandra and Mike Harris have yet another in-depth conversation about the state of our world. Hold on to your hat and put on your seat belts! From from Putin and Syria to the oil cartel and the history thereof, to who really won WWll, to the Library of Alexandria to the Vatican to modern political voting programming…and more. Topics like the Middle East Stargate and Lion Beings...the cabal’s scarcity model - to mind control…

The question arises : how do we begin to effect change?