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Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett

Title: Two Centuries of Pharmaceutical-run Genocide in Canada and globally: Evidence and Action

Act Before You're Ready ©2015 Joan M. Newcomb

When you plan to do something, a part of you goes out and does it. As Consciousness you're not fettered by time and space so anything you imagine you instantaneously experience - as Consciousness.

Visualization is great but another step needs to happen.

In actually scheduling these meetups (as opposed to just thinking about them), I've set an intention and set energy in motion for them to actually happen. As Consciousness I can go everywhere, do anything, be anything, but nothing comes into form unless action is taken.

Everyone seems to believe that love is a good thing. However, not all would agree on what love is. Is love that warm feeling you get when you’re near a familiar person? Or is love what you feel when you hug your puppy? According to the Bible, love is caring in action. Love isn’t what we feel at all, but rather what we do. This week we look at love and how to align to it, understanding that it is a choice. My guest is author Mercedes Warrick, she is a spiritual intuitive, speaker and leadership consultant.