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Dear friends,
Now that another "pope" is about to fall, our forces are gearing up to deal another death blow to the Vatican. This week we're releasing a special update and "looking ahead" report. It will describe a major new global campaign, commencing in mid January, to halt child trafficking and killing, and disestablish murderous churches and their government-corporate accomplices.

Kevin Annett makes a bombshell announcement of the plans of the ITCCS regarding a planned and upcoming diplomatic and public appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to assist them in “help us stop the child killers” in an urgent and strategic move to take action against the ninth circle in stopping child sex trafficking and child sacrifice rituals!

Later they go onto discuss the pulse of the Vatican internally and how the main and attending Cardinals are at odds with the Pope and exactly why!

Today, for the first time, a Canadian government insider has confirmed that a secret  program has operated since the spring of 1998 to silence or eliminate witnesses to Indian residential school crimes, and to stop any real inquiry into those crimes.

There are many events brewing within the walls of the ITCCS headquarters…these two interviews with Kevin cover the following topics and events: