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Internet Radio Talk Show Host
Writer, news commentator and consultant, with specialty in the authoritarian states of Central Asia (former Soviet Republics).

Julian Rose returns to speak eloquently about his battle with the EU in Poland, which was about to steamroll over the millions of peasant farmers, evicting them to create vast corporate "modern, sterile food manufacturing" plots for global production.  We speak about GMOs, chemtrails, organic farming and the subtle energies which are part of the local farming wisdom.  The love exchanged between all life is then lost and the quality of life greatly diminished.  I woke Julian up at 4:00 A.M. and he mentions this at the start!

Creature of Jekyll Island, Chemtrails, Gold and Silver

Writer, documentary film producer, visionary and humanitarian

Missing government files, hidden archives....conspiracy, intrique and much more we'll be chatting about. Nick Redfern delights in finding the unusual, bizarre, and the unbelievable.  Join us for a fascinating chat.