John Barbour's World with John Barbour and special guest Joe Sottile
American Truth Finders with Neil Douglas and special guest, Matt Bracken
Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Lori O'Rorke
The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin
Universal Soul Love with David and Dr. Lana Love with special guest Robert Vicino
What a fascinating two part series this is! Simon Parkes and Alexandra Meadors review how growing up in a home filled with espionage lead to an extraordinary exposure to some of the most significant conspiracies in the world such as Operation Paperclip.
Next on Universal Soul Love: Special Interview with Doug Newsom
You are invited to tune-in for an interesting discussion with Doug Newsom CEO of the BBS Radio
Dr Lana and David Love talk to Doug about the meaning of “survivalism” and survival in modern times.
Tuesday at 6:00 PM PST