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The Watkins Award with Tyrone Tate and J Everette Pearsall

The Watkins Award with Tyrone Tate and J Everette Pearsall

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

Guest, Cherise Matthews

Equisport News with Les Salzman

EquiSport News with Les Salzman

Guests, Sophie Doyle, Maryanne Alygood, Tammy Gant, Crystal Fernung and Kim Wier

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

For the Love of Dog with Janice Wolfe

Fitness & Conditioning trainer, Sports Mom & Elite Pro 8 distributer with LifeVantage
The Tony Sands Show

The Tony Sands Show

Guest, Maurice Love, an All Star Weekend in Atlanta, FL, and Liz The Whiz from Fort Lauderdale

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

Guest, Kate Nematollahi

The Watkins Award with Tyrone Tate and J Everette Pearsall

The Watkins Award with Tyrone Tate and J Everette Pearsall

The Watkins Award with Tyrone Tate and J Everette Pearsall

The Watkins Award with Tyrone Tate and J Everette Pearsall

Guest, Lorenzo Alexander is a 2001 Watkins Award Honoree. He is a product of St. Mary's College High School Class of 2001. He went on to becoming outstanding student-athlete at the University of California Berkeley. After college, Lorenzo was an undrafted free agent for Carolina. Lorenzo also played for Baltimore, Washington, Arizona, Oakland, and finally Buffalo. Lorenzo has won numerous awards including a two time Pro Bowler.