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The Church of the Souls Evolution with The Reverend Blake Rubie (Ordained Minister)

The Church of the Soul's Evolution with The Reverend Blake Rubie

Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

2022 Great Turn-Around Series

Trojan Horse in the Battle for Earth


In the current quantum age of asymmetric warfare

against full-spectrum 5D Aquarian enlightenment,

there are many types of Trojan Horses ‘invading’

as 'gifts' within the gates of our hearts and minds

in our all-connected social network communities.

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Signs of Life Radio: Medium Insights is tonight! Thursday, September 8th, 2022. 8pm EST / 5pm PST

Guest Host: Tom Gould

Guest: #FFFCertifiedMedium Connie Fusella @psychicmediumconniefusella

Link -

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Guest, Amy Robeson, Sacred Awakening Akashic Records

Amy Robeson talks about the Secrets of The Akashic Records!

A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Tara Green & Rama Arjuna, and Micah Green

A Night At The Roundtable with Omena McGee, Caroline Oceana Ryan, Randy Miller, Rama Arjuna, Tara & Micah Green, Penny Christoffersen, and Vinayak

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests