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The Awakened Spirit and its Connection to Animals!

Why are some people connected to animals and other repelled? Do animals have souls?  What is humanity’s tie with animals and are our collective fates tied together as our environment shifts?  Sri and Kira welcome special guest Terry Biskovich of Guatemala United for Animals as together they share the extraordinary miracles of working with the many creatures of the planet. What are these relationships about that and why do we cultivate them?  Is there a way to harness these gifts?

This episode featured informatin about Monotomics. It also connected us with our Paa Taal DNA with detailed explanations of the technique of Positive Spin. 

My good friend Inelia Benz returns to talk about the chakra system, how to master it, what the present energies reveal and most important:  a new topic - "mappiing".  "Mapping is used consciously and unconsciously by all humans.  Some are rather expert.  And, it can be a weapon used to distract and sometimes destroy, high vibrational beings."  DNA activations, Ultra-dimensionals and more!  

Writer, Painter, Blogger, Artist, Musician, Mystic

The School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg and special guest, Dr. Kathy Gruver.

Reaching For The Gold with Harriet Tramer, with special guests Dr. Georgina Cannon and Karen Bowersox.

"Being Present is the Present" with author, Phillip Collins. In his latest book "HAPPINESS HANDBOOK" Phillip say's " Presence is a "frequency of consciousness" that knows all about us and has always been with us. It knows exactly what we need in order to be happy. But it's up to us to choose it or not.

What do you choose at present? To be happy, or not?

Insight Out...the Naked Truth with Errol Strider and Rochelle Alicia Strider!