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Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

Out of This World Radio with Ted Mahr

First Japanese English radio

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Guests, Cheryl Chumley and Victoria Lundquist


1. Lawsuit

Washington Times columnist and author Cheryl Chumley reveals the assault on Christianity and the dangerous consequences if left unchecked. Plus another weaponization of the courts as NY’s AG files outrageous lawsuit against Trump and his business.

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden


1. Ratcliffe #1

2. Ratcliffe #2

The DOJ fighting tooth and nails to keep anyone, especially the court appointed Special Master from seeing what they seized from Donald Trump. Former Trump advisor John Ratcliffe has a compelling theory as to why.

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers

Guest, Linda Fisk

TITLE- LeadHERship & Female Empowerment in the Modern Workplace


Alternate titles

Understanding Diversity and Meritocracy in the Workplace

The importance of Female Leadership & Empowerment in Business


Key Words


Gender Diversity


Inequality in Today’s Working World

Strength in Diversity

Sound Healing with David Gibson

Sound Healing with David Gibson

Sound Concerts, intention, for us to heal ourselves and heal each other, and take power back from big pharma

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie and Julie Peters

Topic: Quiet Quitting, Childhood Trauma, and Adult Abuse. Everything my father seems to be experiencing.

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

Live Questions and Answers Session with James Gilliland

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Dave Williams and Peg Cage

If early polls and fundraising are any sign, there is no Red Wave on the way on Colorado.  

Rep. Dave Williams and grassroots activist Peg Cage explain why.