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Our guest this week is Kiril Ravensong, Spiritual Warrior, Writer and Conscious Banking Consultant for Kiril will speak about Bitcoins, Bitshares ( and how these currencies can be used around the world. Cryptocurrency is outside of the traditional money/control systems but he believes in the tremendous potential for balancing out wealth and building life foundations for world-wide tragedies. Can these currencies actually go into broad circulation?

Spiritual Warrior, Writer, Artist, Cryptocurrency Wordsmith & Conscious Banking Consultant

Please join Internet radio host Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. as he examines the public school as a social justice school in the war on public education. Can the public school as a social justice school save public education, schools, teachers, students, and communities? Dr. Miller will show us just what social justice and educational justice is and why this is so critical at this point in the war. To have a conversation on this, one must know and understand what social justice means in education. What are the issues of social justice in education?

Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer

Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer

​TOPIC: Advanced Consciousness Series: 

Changing Humans into the Superhuman Kingdom through Menasic Quantum Fields of Thought

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

LDC (Liberal Domination of the Culture)

Harvey Weinstein, Continuing NFL political football, and California logic

The People Speak banner

The People Speak with Elizabeth Valencia and guest Reyna Grande

Do you ever wonder where your deceased loved ones are and if they hear you when you talk to them? Since a young age, our guest Jacob Cooper has been in touch with the spirit realm. Through his profound Near Death Experience (NDE), he empowers others through educating and answering the mystery about life on the other side of the veil. Jacob is a licensed social worker, certified Reiki master, certified hypnotherapist, and provides meditation seminars throughout the country. Join us and find out more!

licensed social worker, certified Reiki master, certified hypnotherapist, and provides meditation seminars throughout the country
Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure

“Life Changing Experiences” with Guest, Entertainment Technology Engineer, Immersive Experience Designer and Innovator in Giant-Screen Digital Cinema, Ed Lantz; and Musical Guests Living Legend American Blues Guitarist, Singer, and Songwriter, Kal David and Singer, Songwriter Lauri Bono on The LIFE CHANGES Show


The True History of The True History of Our Galactic World and NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests