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Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr. Susan E. Kolb

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interviewing David Low, MS, PhD

Topic: Understanding Monster Religion

Founder & Executive Director River Road African American Museum

Ab-original Partners in Crime: How Modern Genocide is Fueled by the Victims Themselves - An Ongoing Series on Crimes against the Innocent

The War Report on Public Education with Dr James Avington Miller Jr

The War Report on Public Education Dr James Avington Miller, Jr.

The True History of The True History of Our Galactic World and NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna, and guests Dyanna and Rainbird

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon

Peaceful Planet with Marcia McMahon and Ericka Stout

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with Ashli Eceti

Hillary Clinton? Donald Trump? Who will carry America into the future? The 2016 US Presidential election has been unpredictable and surprising. America is clearly a deeply divided nation and many Americans feel alienated from the country's political system. How do we fix this and what does this mean for America?