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Teacher, Masters in Transpersonal Studies

The power of negotiation...we all can improve on that skill. Tali Raphaely gives some excellent perspectives so you can feel secure in your negotiation skills instead of feeling intimated, making you vulnerable to uncomfortable situations.

Negotiator, Attorney, President of Armour Settlement Services.

Jeff Rose has been a soldier on the battlefields of war and brings a down-to-earth perspective to you to help you accomplish your financial desires and control your life without fear of lack.

Rasha's story is a very personal one about how she went through years of transformation in her thinking and development of her higher self and understanding of how she could use the wisdom given to share with others a transformational awareness.  We'll travel with her through some of these events and learn how she adapted and grew into the international teacher of wisdom she is aclaimed to be.

Jake Eagle has dedicated years of his life to research and exploration about the human condition of purposeful living.  He has been leading groups and working with individuals for more than 35 years.

Can you re-configure your life?  Can one change patterns of sabotaging behavior?  We'll find out.

Licensed psychotherapist, author and co-founder of reology

The battle of the bulge is a never ending one. Dawna Stone knows about it first hand and will be sharing her experience and understanding in how to tackle this ever frustrating challenge that so many have to deal with.