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From Shelter Dog to Service Dog with Janice Wolfe on BBS Radio!

Honor Your Pet with host L. Leigh Meriweather and special guest, Maia Kincaid

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Topics covered in tonight's session inlude: the timing and perfection of the increase in energetic dissolution on the planet, a timely quote by Rumi, the dissolution of the inner and the outer worlds, how Spirit will bring the lesson to you in the physical if you don't look within when prompted, the story of the Garden of Eden, the understanding that you are an extension of God not a spark of God, human love is predicated on behavior, and the time is now to begin your spiritual work in earnest.

Author, Animal Communicator, Transformational Coach, Nature Communicator

School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg and special guest, David Friedman, founder of the Thought Exchange!

You Bout Ready with Marty Ford on BBS Radio!