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The Good News with Reverend Joseph Caesar

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode featured 'A Poor Man's Guide to Health and Happiness' and included the Hari Om Mantra meditation and the XYZ Extra-terrestrial meditation.

The Beauty Files with Juanita with Juanita Dillard

Guest include, Dr Sharon Ottey, Kelly Sullivan and Nubian Skin founder, Ade Hassan

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Rochelle and I will be doing our radio show, "Insight Out--the Naked Truth" at 7 PM PDT tonight on  We'll be exploring the difference between being and doing in the grand and not so grand scheme of things.  Title of the show: "Do be do be do...or "To be or to do, that is the Question."  Call in with your comments and questions.  Are you a compulsive doer?  Natural be-er?  Call in

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight's session centered around two of Shusara's recent blog posts on The Risk of Spiritual Sunburn and Easy is Not an Option. PielleAyan asked about the apparent contradiction between the messages of each. In one the message was a warning to take your spiritual work slowly, and not pushing for more than what's needed, and in the other Shusara made it clear that you must forge ahead willingly in your work and not be complacent.

The Journey 8 with Reverend Judy Hosner