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Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett
Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett
Topic: More eyewitnessed evidence of the medical murder of our people: To be registered in court
Targeted Killings, The Death of William Combes and the War on Humanity: An Eyewitness Speaks
Live intro by Rev. Annett to introduce a rerun dated June 25, 2017
ET Yoga with Charles Green, banner

ET Yoga with Charles Green

Covid on the planet, why Pleiadians and Andromedans are assisting earth, the AI God, and new smartdust technology

The True History of The True History of Our Galactic World and NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests

Sudden I Impact with Lee

Sudden I Impact with Lee

The Sophomore Project, vol 3, the element of surprise!

Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck

Reclaiming Authenticity with Dr James Houck

Talking about Stars in the Sky, their stories, like the Bethlehem Star!

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay Matta

SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta

Utsava-ACCURATE, Psychic-Medium. Beautiful New World! JFK Jr, New Reality, Pro$perity, Meds Beds, Quantum World, Crystalline:

Americas Cannabis Conversation with Dan Perkins

Americas Cannabis Conversation with Dan Perkins

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

The Sports Doctor with Dr Robert Weil

Guests, Christine Blanchette and Carey Powell

Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

Don't Panic It's Organic with andy Lopez, aka: The Invisible Gardener with guests Leighton Morrison and Debrah Emerson

2 Hour Special

YouTube Video Link: