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THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #4

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #22 on BBS Radio

Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

It's time to take your own personal vow of poverty. Of course this was meant to get your attenion and Shusara speaks at length during this session about our values and how they relate to societies values. It's time to get honest about the pink elephant in the room!

DR. George steinfeld reviews his years as a therapist going from psycho analysis to compassion..

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #3

The DEBUT of, Talking with Ly'Derian Live with Ly'Derian!

Ly'Derian Ogun is an entertainer, humanitarian, singer, songwriter and musician!

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #21 on BBS Radio

Francine's guests Darlene Kershner and Richard Wildasin, both Eckankar clergy, join the show to discuss the religion of Eckankar--it's belief system and practices.They will explain in detail what HU chanting is and how it can change your life and relationship with God.