Tony Alamo - program 556
You have to be rugged individuals to be able to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. It's narrow and you have to squeeze yourself in, you have to have patience and go through the rough times. The Jesuit oath.
Tony Alamo - program 555
Satan would be given a mouth in the last days. Satan can't tell the truth. John Hagee says polygamists are a sinful as homosexuals. That man needs to repent for saying that God's Word is a sin. Is John Hagee a greater man than Moses?
Getting To Know Your Bible (GTKYB) with Billy Lambert
Overcoming Discouragement - ep1476
One Voice with Dr. Pastor Larry Montgomery
Psalm 23 series 146
Moga - Mercies of God Association with Dr. Peter Nortier
The Relationship of Christ and The Law
Tony Alamo - program 554
We are not to pray to any saint or to Mary. The first commandment is to have no other god before you, and don't pray to anyone other than God through Jesus. When people are praying or chanting to Mary they are sinning. It's like they are into witchcraft.
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Guest, Laurie Shaw Greyeyes, Speaker, Songwriter, Healer, Spirit Talker, Cybersecurity Expert.
Voices of Courage with Ken D. Foster
S2EP22 The Courage to See Reality Clearly with JD Mumma
Have you ever wondered if you are seeing reality clearly? So many believe they see reality clearly, but based on results, reality if far from being clear for most. Learn how to shift your thinking and create great results as Ken D Foster interviews Human Excellence Founder JD Mumma.
LaGrave Live
LIVE Morning Worship Service 7-14-2024
Title: Jesus the Foundation
Rev. Kristy Manion will preach.