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On Tues, Nov 17 at 8pm PST/11pm Eastern on 'Paradigm Shifters' my very special guest is Dr. Bernie S. Siegel.  Insightful, heart based beings like Bernie Siegel of 'Love Medicine and Miracles' fame moved through so many entries to our self understanding, and now shares the heart of life with animals. He always loved his pets, but having a house full of kids and the “Siegel Family Zoo” (where “squawks, purrs, chirrups, squeaks, barks, and so on” fill the house) taught him the true value that animals can bring humans.

MInd Mapping with Mia and another segment of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

As Christine Ha began to lose her sight and was paralyzed on both sides of her body, her world seemed to crumble around her. Although she eventually regained control of her body, Christine lost almost all of her sight. Listen to our intimate conversation where Christine shared her darkest moments and her greatest triumphs.

Sri & Kira are back from India where they personally investigated many of the “myths” from the classic Hindu books of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita!  Tune in to hear what they discovered and how it affects our understanding of humanity’s cosmic heritage! They’ll also share some news about ancient aliens and more!

Zeta Global Radio with Laine Sevante Quirk and guest Carole Brody Fleet

Radiance By Design with Veronica Entwistle

Of Course Radio with Scott Krajca & Sheldon Jo. Join Sheldon and Scott as they take you through a guided meditation and then discuss A Course in Miracle's view on apply forgiveness and peace upon the world, even as terrorism appears to sprout up. They also take a call from John (Stockton, CA) who asks, "how do we live in this world even though the Course states that it is an illusion?"

ET First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst with guest Lou Martin in Ireland