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Once again I am joined by my special guest Carole J. Obley, author of "Soul to Soul Connections" today we discuss the Akashic record. The Akashic Record is a dimension of consciousness that contains a vibrational record of every soul and its journey. Referred to in virtually every major traditional religion as the Book of Life and the Book of God's Remembrance, this body of wisdom has been an ever-present source of spiritual support. The Record is an experiential body of wisdom, insight, guidance, and healing information. Learn what it is and how to access it!

This week "Inter-dimensional Beings and Travel", from understanding who the Ancients are to the Star Elders. My guest Cherry Divine author of "Wisdom of the Ancients" and I will share the messages of who we truly are.

We continue to look at the principles behind the Universe and Nature. Knowing that as we master these, we master Life!

Author, Theory Instructor, Recruiting Officer, Unit Secretary Officer, Military Intelligence Offcer, President of Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Consultanti
Medium, Clairvoyant, Psychic, Card Reader
Social Historian, Professional Intuitive, Author, Writer, Professional Psychic and Medium, Doctorate in Archaeology and Art History, Professor
Multi-Dimensional Psychic Medium, Trance-Channeler, Reiki Master
Intuitive, Tarot Card Reader, Astrologer, Writer, Columnist
Ancient Civilization Historian, Edgar Cayce Authority, Crystal Skull Guardian, Linguist, Speaker, Ancient Mysteries Researcher
Author, Psychic, Ghostbuster, Crystal Skull Guardian, Lecturer, Consultant, Ghost Investigator, Seance Facilitator, Expert Witness, Parapsychologist