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Due to technical difficulties, Doug was unable to secure the connection with guest, Jay Weidner.  Doug, who started BBS Radio with his twin brother Don Newsom, was prepared to do an impromtu show with me, but we got Jay back on the line.  There is no script to follow, when you're beaming live from the real world!

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with Dr. Lana Love and David Love, with special guest Margo Mateas

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interview special Dr Meg Blackburn Losey, Ph.D with

Discussing "The Children of Now… Evolution: How We Can Support the Fast-Forward of Our Children and All of Humanity"

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with David and Dr. Lana Love and guest Lauren Weiss!

Paradigm Shifters interview with Ashtar

Simon Parkes opens our minds to new possibilities.  We touched upon A.I., (artificial intelligence), the Hadron Collider, Alex Collier, Putin, Hitler, the Fourth Reich, reptilians, mantids, "experiencers vs. abductees", military and black ops, super soldiers, cloning stations, archons and more.  I enjoy all of Simon's broadcasts, and this new show adds depth and dimension to the empowerment of individuals and humanity.  It's time to open to the vast picture which already exists, "for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear".

Guests on the Holistic Health Show yesterday were Kelley Eidem and Monique Chapman.

Kelley recovered  from glomerulonephritis and subsequently wrote a book titled the Doctor who Cures Cancer.

Monique is an internationally renoun intuitive, lifestyle consultant,award winning radio host, and author who has been featured on CBS, MTV and contributed to Good Morning America.

Nancy L. Hopkins shared about the shift from Pisces to the Aquarian Age, which we are in process of doing now; in addition to traversing a new part of the galaxy.  We dipped down the rabbit hole long enough to discern that those who have chosen the "way of technology", without regard to the Spirit of all things, have lost the game.  The old paradigms have nothing to prop them up, but propaganda, lies and technological mind control.