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PAMELA MEANES - President of the National Bar Association addresses the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri.  Ms Brown explains her organization's stance on the matter, the attempt to change laws regarding police misconduct, and the general situation regarding police violence and conduct throughout America.

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis and special guest, Marc Benhuri the Dentist for the Shah of Iran in the 1970s

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

The War Report on Public Education with Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. and special guests Lucianna Sanson, Gloria Johnson, Lauren Hopson and Dave Gorman

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez

IMPORTANT: Well, due to the realization many of you have had after Kevin Annett delivered a stand down order to the RCMP Officers and the Canadian Supreme Court over the Burnaby Mountain Kinder Morgan protest, it has been proven that Common Law works! A call to action was delivered and the response by many of you was outstanding.  If you haven’t done so, take another step and join the movement to take back our land!

Revoke your allegiance to the government of England and the government of Canada!

Guest Carl Boudreau shared the astrological insights that began around 2008-2012, which have been filtering into the consciousness since.  The good news is that the planets are moving into new alignments, which are more like a moving symphony, and not like the "Swing of the Pendulum", which operates historically.  Relationships will be changing in significant ways, and we get a "warning" of a spike or "hard aspect", during the week before Christmas, causing turbulence and unpredictability.  Travelers be aware.  It will end Monday.

Adventures Into Sovereignty

Jamie Gooden interview

The Political Fix with Heather Vale, Jay Amernick and Rick Raddatz

JOHN BARBOUR - the Godfather of Reality TV, a pioneer of early tv reality show formats and host to many stars and celebrities, returns for a second time to talk about his recent trip to Dallas Texas on the 51st Anniversary of the Assassination of John F. Kennedy as well as a host of other topics including 9-11, government corruption, US hegemony and questions from the audience.