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Galactic Connection with Alexandra Silby-Meadors and special guest, James Carman of The Hidden Hand - Alien Contact and the Government Cover-up documentary.

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis

Buck Revel former ranking member of the FBI a war hero John Villa Nouva Former intelligent officer

Higher Truth Radio with Michael Bee - Episode #3 on BBS Radio

Shadow Politics with Senetor Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez, and special guest Janice Stango or Rebuilding Together - Building Senior Citizen homes

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Debut Episode on BBS Radio

In 2003, William Blum, former State Department worker turned historian and author, became famous when Osama bin Ladin, the supposed mastermind behind the attacks on 9-11, recommended Blum's book Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower, because Osama felt that it aptly described a horrible American foreign policy which engenders so much hate and fear of America.  As William says during this interview, it gained him a great deal of attention and many interviews with mainstream US television and print media.

The Political Fix with Heather Vale, Jay Amernick and Rick Raddatz

The Galactic Roundtable with Beth Trutwin on BBS Radio!

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis - Live while Bombs are being dropped on Israel!