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Laura Eisenhower and Madisun Truesdell are the Justice Twins...  Committed to sharing the truth about Dark Technologies and bringing together a community ready to take action to initiate change. James interviews them tonight about the Justice Twins Mission Statement and how you can get involved.
If you're focused on being part of the solution and taking action, join the Justice Twins community on facebook
Medical Doctor/President San Francisco Physicians for Social Responsibility

REBEKAH ROTH - 30 year+ flight attendant talks aboiut her novel Methodical Illusion which exposes the hoax perpetrated on 9-11 from and insider's perspective, experience and many thousands of hours of research, in this first of 2 part special series.

Rebekah Roth exposes israeli involvement in Sept 11 attacks

John Barbour's World with John Barbour and special guest Dick Russell