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Perfect Love Consciousness Teacher

Today on Conscious Conversations with Joan and Janet, we talk about Involution and Evolution! We have different ways of experiencing Consciousness and Janet uses a new way for us to play in Heart Space with this topic.  Evolution is the body/personality’s experience of raising it’s vibration to become more aware.  Involution is Consciousness, the Essence of who we really, expressing itself into form.  We talk about not being attached to our past stories, to approach life as an improvisation rather than a script.  What is potential?

James Gilliland and Alexandra Meadors kick off the new year chatting about things to come! Enjoy this interaction about everything from the RV, to prosperity funds, free energy, healing modalities, the benevolent Anunnaki, the Federal Reserve, the new pristine energies coming to the planet, accountability, the cabal, Common Law, Universal Law, and much more! Get a cup of tea and warm your toes while listening and feeling the impending positive shifts we are undergoing right now!

ET-First Contact Radio with Martaan Horst and special guest Maryann Radda, Pleiadian Contactee

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest, Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke

Sol Luckman shared the story about how his latest book, Snooze: A Story of Awakening came about.  It's a moving story, and the book is a multi-dimensional, many-faceted gem of a read.  From mysteries to metaphysics, entering the dream worlds, Big Foot, high magic and daring feats of courage, this book has it all.  He talked about some of the writers who inspired him.  

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland with speical guest Laura Magdalene Eisenhower.  James and Laura discuss the new energies coming in with the start of 2015 from both an astrological and an energetic viewpoint.  The keys for the new year include authenticity and owning your own power, while setting boundaries of what you are willing to accept.  As James says "Being a Christed Being does not mean being a doormat".

Visual Artist, Best Selling Author, Transformational Healer Regenetics

Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa

With the myriad of spiritual beliefs and ways to access the mysteries of the universe as vast as the universe, is there a way to definitively experience the divine? Can we connect without years of meditation or study? Is the vast gift of divine connection only for the few or can anyone discover the beauty and healing capacity of this energy?

Sri and Kira welcome very special guest Neeta Singal of Mumbai, India as together they discuss the ancient science of RRST and Ascension.