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Empath, Visionary, Intuitive, Consciousness Researcher, Author, Lecturer, Counselor, Trainer, Consultant, Advisor, Teacher, Writer, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Editor, Promoter, Business Manager, Photographer, Poet
Researcher, Scholar, Editor, Radio Show Host, Writer, Producer, Speaker, Occult Authority
Author, Filmmaker, Researcher
Self-Educated Scholar, Directive Mythology Teacher, Experimental Mysticism Explorer, Writer, Comparative Mythologian, Author
Alchemist, Taoist, Qi Gong Master, Herbalist, Acupuncturist, Teacher, Philospher, Healer, Writer, Author, Enlightenment Facilitator, Meditation Expert
Author, Scientist, Former Astronaut, International Speaker, Researcher, Lectuerer, Writer, Teacher, Assistant Professor, Columnist, Environmentalist, Consultant, Advisor, Facilitator
Radio Show Host, Naturopathic Physician, Human Potential Researcher, Medical Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Author, Healer, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Counseler, Keynote Speaker, Writer, Columnist, Pastor, Trainer, Who's Who
Public Speaker, Coach, Author, Multiple Tragedy Survivor
Author, Composer, Speaker, Playwright, Artist, Spiritual Teacher, Disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Superconsciousness Researcher, Meditation Expert
Co Author, Energetic Balancing Researcher, Acupuncturist, Energetic Healer, AIM Inventor