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In order to awaken you to your spiritual condition, the Universe will first try to get your attention by throwing a pebble at your window. If that doesn't work, the Universe will drop a rock on your foot. Ouch! If you are that stubborn and can't see beyond the end of your nose . . . the Universe will drop on boulder on your head. Bad news!!! We don't want things to get that far out-of control! Let's keep our minds open to receiving the subtle and loving messages the Universe is sending out to us!

Talk Show Host, Author, Public Speaker, Private Investigator, Certified Hypnotherapist, Past-life Regressionist, Minister

SCRIPTURAL PROPHECIES AND MORE with Dr. Delbert Blair, Internationally known Master Metaphysician, lecturer, historian, scientist, spiritual and alternative healing consultant.

In these times of living, how do we determine what path of evolution we take in everyday living?

Imagine all of us with like minds of consciousness forming a collective of unity to address uncertainty  and discomfort.  As we integrate  thoughts, knowledge, wisdom, and  love together, resolution will be found.

Eve Lorgen goes into great depth about alien interference with abductees and the expansive group of non-abductees who have experienced the "Love Bite".  This has to do with a substitute "twin flame", to divert us off the path of light.  We go into psychic vampirism, trans-diemsnionals, super soldiers, Milabs, Black ops, alien hierarchies, Dr. Corrado Malanga's work on alien types and cloning.  This is a journey way down the rabbit hole, folks, so be prepared!  Eve and I agree that many have had experiences that are shameful or about which fear is generated.

Empathic Seer, Intuitive Guide, Claircognizant and Clairsentient