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The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis, banner

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

Hard News with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and friends

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and friends and guest Omena

Creator of, Author, leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine
As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland - James welcomes Sonia Barrett back to the program.  Sonia's powerful movie "The Business of Disease"  is a groundbreaking documentary exploring the vastness of human potential despite the restrictions of programmed beliefs.  For the sheer purpose of profit and control, illness is marketed to the minds of the unsuspecting masses. The results?  A society programmed for sickness and death.  Sonia's documentary shows the dark underside of the so-called Health Industry.  

The People Speak banner

The People Speak with Cindy Sheehan and guest Mike Whitney

Field Organizer and Outreach Consultant of the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
The Veterans News Hour with David C. Cory and Richard Hurley

The Veterans News Hour with David C. Cory and Richard Hurley.

The War Report on Public Education with Dr James Avington Miller Jr

The War Report on Public Education with James Avington Miller, Jr., Ph.D

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Spirituality, Group Consciousness, group meditation, Dimensional Sources, Intelligences, Group Healing, Grid Healing, Intelligent Infinity, Creators, Healing, Meditation, Planetary Healing, Personal Meditation, Healing the Grid, Energy Grids, Ley Lines, Earth Energy, Energy Healing