Business and Money Mentors with Mia Saenz and Bonnie Gayle
Guest, Guy Golan - What it's like to be in a relationship with a workaholic
Hugo Rodier, M.D. was featured on our second Threshold Radio broadcast. As in Dr. Rodier’s books, blogs and broadcasts (he has his own podcasting show, there was a recurrent theme that scientists are now discovering that the new paradigms of health are highly connected to both modern physics and also to ancient concepts that presuppose a spiritual matrix, often connected with the energy of light, whose visible power shines in this world but with much of its true nature hidden behind the fabric of the physical world.
Here We Stand with Rev Kevin D Annett and guest Rachel, with a short introduction to the rerun by Rev. Kevin Annett
Rerun from Radio Free Kanata July 16, 2017
TOPIC: Remembering the Victories and the Example they Want us to Forget
The Veterans News Hour with David Cory and Richard Hurley
Topics covered included treatment for addictions, overcoming challenges, connecting with others, recovery from trauma, recognizing PTSD, and quitting drinking.
TAPE 1: Seeking treatment for alcohol problems and PTSD (3:48)
Hell may actually have frozen over. Liberals have admitted that they're rooting against America just so they can blame Donald Trump. They have so much invested in their hatred that they must defend it even at the expense of a safer world and a more prosperous people. That even includes minorities whom they have treated like mascots rather than fellow citizens. They long for the old days of high black unemployment, stagnant wages, and more people on food stamps. Hard to get your brain wrapped around that one.
John Barbours World with John Barbour
Guests, Jon Robberson and JP Sottile
This is a two hour show featuring Patty Greer, one of the most exciting adventurers on our planet. Patty was a singer and songwriter, musician and composer- who because of a serious injury- basically left her career to explore the mysterious phenomena of crop circles. To this end, Patty turned to film making and has created six films so far presenting a still, largely unknown subject to a global audience. These crop circles go far beyond arbitrary geometric symbols but seem to indicate a conscious attempt to communicate with something akin to cryptograms.