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In the next hour we will discuss the line between genius and mental illness, ask questions regarding brilliance, overload, disorganization of the mind, and how can we possibly find where these delineate and can truly be understood. This is not always easy to discuss, but answers and actions will be how we create a safer and more compassionate world. We have to tend to what we are avoiding to actually stop the damage that we continue to suffer from.

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 32

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 31

Ralph Poynter (Lynne Stewart's husband) and Jeff Mackler (West Coast Coordinator for the Defense of Lynne Stewart) appeared with host Samantha Legend on The People Speak radio show (Airdate 6/11/2013).  Both Ralph and Jeff shared the story of activist /lawyer Lynne Stewart who had been unjustly imprisoned for her humanitarian works and activism as a lawyer and her ongoing struggle to gain compassionate release as she was dying from cancer in prison.

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.