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Randirobics with Randi Chenkin

Today we discuss how to embrace our personal power, wisdom, and courage to take our lives to the next level.


What does it take to step into our power? How do we embrace our inner wisdom and be the most courageous version of our selves? The truth is that there's something deeper inside all of us when we raise our frequency and can get still and listen to the voice within.

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier

Topic: Energy Vampires

How do we recognize them and what can we do when we realize we're being drained.

Ataana Method, Energy Healing, Energy Work, parasitic energies, survival consciousness, Life-force, Source Energy, depletion, feeling zapped, or drained, replenish your power, prayer, Sacred Inner Dialogue

The Joyful Manifestation Show with Sugandhi Iyer, Cell Phone- (702) 798 0670, Accepts Texts for Show Questions also. 

Taming The Tida with Sharmin Smith

Sharmin Smith being interviewed Lillian S. Cauldwell

Lets Talk Healing with Ataana Badilli and guests Sabr H. and Anna McDonald and Carole Maier

Topic: Consumerism

What is our drive to consume when we don't really need the things we buy?

Ataana Method, Energy Healing, Energy Work, abundance, prosperity, exploitation, enslavement, suffering, depression, lack consciousness, feeling worthy, addiction, self-love, awakening

Sharmin Smith being interviewed on Gospel Sundays Radio Show It's The Praise Party Train Evening Edition w Lil Jojo