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Physician, medical scientist, futurist, and innovator

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interview special guest Kilmer S McCully, MD

Discussing “Pioneer of the Homocysteine Theory(Cardiology Research and Clinical Developments: Cancer Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatments)"

Back 2 Eden

Interview the 2nd half with Dr Bruce Crabtree of Aveenue Chripractic - AveChiro dot com

Author, Multi Life Therapist, radio show personality, Spiritual coach, healing energy channel and anti aging specialist
Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

Universal Soul Love with David and Dr. Lana Love and special guest, Trina Markandu Bawden-Smith

Yoga Instructor, Spiritual Couselor, Personal Development Professional, Event Manager, Social Activist

Temple of Health Radio Show with Dr Susan Kolb interviewing special guest Christopher Vasey N.D.,

Discussing:  “Natural Remedies for Inflammation”

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and Mark Laisure

What Is Your Body Dying To Say? With Guest Dr. Rhonda Donahue and Musical Guest Oliver Mac on LIFE CHANGES

Nutritional Counseling, Microscopy, Anti-Aging and Bio-Energetic Technology