Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Guest, Paul Daneshrad, author of Money and Morons - ep 191
Words Women and Wisdom Show with Yvonne E L Silver
Understanding your Company's needs, and how to discern what they are
Voices of Courage with Ken D. Foster
S2EP23 | The Courage to Understand Your Family Patterns with Julie Wilkins Smith
What does your generational family have to do with your choices and actions? A lot, according to best-selling author Judy Wilkins-Smith. Learn how to use family patterns to understand your life and experience more joy, power and love.
Saving with Steve with Steve Sexton
Dr Rebecca Smith, The Film Doctor - ep 188
Financial Fitness with Dr. Frances Rahaim, The Money Doctor
What lessons has your father taught you? Spend 30 minutes with The Money Doctor and share your stories about your dad, mentor, or other fatherly figure for a follow-up show.
Financial Fitness with Dr. Frances Rahaim, The Money Doctor
Is pet insurance worth the cost? Pet lover (and Lola’s cat mom), Frances Rahaim, Ph.D., aka The Money Doctor, along with co-host Jess Tyler sort out the pros and cons. Don’t miss special guest video-bomber Bengal, Lola Falana!
Rigged Against You with Terry Sacka AAMS
What Is Project Icebreaker
Financial Fitness with Dr. Frances Rahaim, The Money Doctor
Watch this before you go on vacation! The Money Doctor gives lesser-known practical money saving tips to cut corners for vacation without cramping your style. Chances are you haven’t heard of these — and they actually work! Cohost Jess Tyler weighs in some valuable insight as well!