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Evolve 2b with Audree Tara Weitzman - 16th show on BBS Radio!

Tim Hoch was inspired to write this book after he reviewed letters from his father that he had received through the years.  These letters helped him to develop and maintain the strength of character that enabled him to become successful in business, develop a loving relationship with his family and more.

Author, Entrepreneur, Attorney

We'll be discussing the rite of passage most men must go through before they actually become mature adults.  The role of the male has been redefined .... or has it?  Let's find out.

Yosaif is dedicated to those who are in the role of caregiving.  He wants to help them before they burn out from all of the stresses associated with that position of responsibility.

Evolve 2b with Audree Tara Weitzman - 15th show on BBS Radio! Audree is Back from India, and other places...