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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Awakening to Universal Energy . . . Now!   ARE YOU READY?

Are we integrating as a global society?  Is humanity finally ready to care for the Earth and its inhabitants?  To fully awaken to this expanded paradigm opens the door to our full recognition that we are Universal Citizens, aligned with energies far beyond this one beautiful planet!

SBFM Radio with Dr Cheryl Dockery

SBFM Radio with Dr Cheryl Dockery

Bernhard Guenther shared his early experiences with the 'shadow realms', which led him on a journey of self-discovery, healing and body work, and spoke of the value of altered states of consciousness.  We delved into his writing, which goes far down the 'rabbit hole' of the illusions we know as "the Matrix".  His recent piece, "Timeline-Reality Split, Frequency Vibration, and the Hidden Forces of Life" is an analysis of the various components of our shared co-creation.  Excerpt below:  

Distractions in Our Lives and Why We Distract

Tonight's show highlights the many things we do that keep us complacent and unproductive in our lives. We are not on our soul's path for many reasons and distractions in today's society plays a key role in us being off track to our greatness.

This episode of A Fireside Chat with Lance White features two close friends - Helane Lipson, with Gregg Prescott from In5D.  Helane, a well-known psychic, radio show personality and event creator, discovered cancer while living in Hawaii.  Chemotherapy and radiation almost killed her.  With dwindling funds to remain on the islands, she opted to move with an old friend, Amy in Placerville, unsure of her direction.  She successfully went into remission with the "Rick Simpson Cure", a distillation of marijuana oil.

SBFM Radio with Dr Cheryl Dockery

SBFM Radio with Dr Cheryl Dockery

Freedom Leader, Kripa Quantum Healer
The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie

The Holistic Health Show with Dr Carl O Helvie and Mike Carey

SBFM Radio with Dr Cheryl Dockery

SBFM Radio with Dr Cheryl Dockery

Quyn's Empowerment Hour with Quyn Lê Erichsen

Quyns Empowerment Hour with Douglas Newsom

What Can Motivate You and Others to Make Important Changes?

Description: Quyn shares her thoughts and ideas about ways that can motivate you and motivate others to make positive changes in life.