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Life is as precious as death for what they both bring us, and in between these two points of origin stands a chance for us to understand the meaning of what we do through poetry.  It is in the love we have for the written word that makes us see the things we would not otherwise do to better control and appreciate the intent of our acts toward one another.  Poetry is the prayer of our angst against the world, screaming to break through to a better state of mind; poetry soothes, poetry ruffles, but in every moment of the day, poetry remains a constant though time, and the beauty of

THE GOOD NEWS with Reverend Joseph Caesar Show #2

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

Author, United States Army Vietnam Veteran, Professor Emeritus, President of his own Educational and Management Consutting Firm

Sun of God University with The Hosts - show #20 on BBS Radio

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.

New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

Guest Howard Bloom - How he created the 60s...

Author of: The God Problem: How A Godless Cosmos Creates ("Bloom's argument will rock your world." Barbara Ehrenreich).

The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition Into the Forces of History ("mesmerizing" The Washington Post),

The classroom is the place where students as young adults begin to think.  Let’s not compromise the only hope they have to find truth and balance in everything they experience in life.  Everyone puts their own spin on everything; lets find a good enough reason to put limits on our egos and ambitions to smother individuality and wrought it into the image of ourselves.  The proverb for this evening’s show by Victor Hugo: “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.”