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This episode of The People Speak features two professors: Professor Noam Chomsky of M.I.T. during the first half hour and Professor James Tracy of the Florida Atlantic University during the last half hour.

Norman G. Finkelstein received his doctorate in 1988 from the Department of Politics at Princeton University.  For many years he taught political theory and the Israel-Palestine conflict.   He currently writes and lectures.  In this episode of The People Speak, Dr. Finkelstein discusses the impending military intervention in Syria by the United States and  circumstances leading up to this situation and beyond.

The True Testament introduces you to "Simon Peter's True Testament", a book that tells the true story of who Jesus was and what he actually taught, much of which has been distorted or left out of the New Testament. There are shocking revelations, and wonderful, liberating truths. Prepare to be amazed! And relieved! And made free from the false teaching of original sin, and released from the fear of death. The book, "Simon Peter's True Testament", will change your life.

This week, Caroline shares a special message from Mother Earth. It is told like a campfire storyteller would tell it, and has a beautiful message. She also shares some amazing facts about ancient trees that have been alive on earth for thousands of years, since before the Pharoahs ruled Egypt, and Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, and Genghis Kahn built the huge Mongolian Empire,(the largest the world has ever known); before the Romans conquered most of Europe and the Mediterranean, before Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified. Yes, these trees are still living..

Join Caroline this week as she explores perspectives inspired by divine inspiration and revealed through Shamanic Journeys - revelations about Life, Love, Birth, Death, Karma, and the role we have chosen to play in this incarnation. She will also share an amazing instance of a person whose soul retrieval brought back a part of them who had been Simon Peter, disciple of Jesus, and the subsequent book written about that lifetime.

Susan Grimaldi, internationally renowned for producing documentaries on Manchu and Mongol Shamanism, will be my guest this week. She is a member of the Choctaw Nation, and has been practicing Shamanism for over 35 years. She is noted for her work with communities in Northern China, Inner Mongolia, and the Tuvan Republic, and has traveled throughout those regions, sometimes for days on horseback to reach remote tribes like the Reindeer People.

My guest this week is MALIDOMA SOME, a West African Elder, author, teacher, diviner, and healer. His life path has been difficult to say the least; from being born in an obscure village in West Africa; kidnapped at age 4 by a Jesuit Priest and sent away to be schooled in Christianity; escaping at age 20 to return to his homeland; having to learn his native language again; being trained to be a shaman; then on to higher education to earn three Masters Degrees and two doctorates at the Sorbonne and Brandeis University; and finally to teach at the University of Michigan.

OLGA KARITIDI, author of "Enter The Circle", will share her experiences of being born in Russia during the Cold War period, working as a psychiatrist in a Siberian mental hospital, and ultimately being drawn into Shamanism by meeting a kam (shaman) in the mysterious Altai mountains. This meeting utterly changed her life, and moved her out of the box of politically correct thinking about the cause of illness, both physical and mental.