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Planetary MakeOver Show with David Mynott II

Planetary Makeover Show with David Mynott II

UFOs, ET Contacts & Evolving Human Consciousness with Author Gerard Aartsen (Redux)

Planetary Makeover host David Mynott II introduces a 2015 audio podcast interview of UFO researcher and author, Gerard Aartsen, by Cielito Pascual. Aartsen has compiled decades of the most compelling and credible witness testimony from people in contact with fellow humans from other planets. Listen for a truly serious and thought-provoking synthesis of historical information.

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Tony Alamo

Tony Alamo with Tony Alamo World Wide Ministries, Program679

The world government needs Another Pearl Harbor. You can take a jar of poison and put a label on it saying honey but still the ingredients are poison. That's what This evil one world cult headed by the devil in Rome and the media is doing is they are labeling all sorts of evil things with labels of honey and they are taking the things that are really of the Lord and marking them poison and cult and they call it a compounds and things like that.

Tony Alamo

Tony Alamo with Tony Alamo World Wide Ministries, Program680

The Spirit of God mortifies the deeds of the flesh. Psalm 23 The Lord, in other words the Word of God is my shepard. I shall not want it leads guides and directs me into all spiritual things. The Spirit of God tells me how to stay out of trouble and how to be blessed by God. It also tells you how you can be cursed by the Lord.

Tony Alamo

Tony Alamo with Tony Alamo World Wide Ministries, Program681

A lot of people say that was the Old Testament why should we study that? Because that is our examples. We need to have samples, we need to have examples of how we are supposed to be and examples of what happens when people don't follow the Lord.

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