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Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis with special guest, Rabbi Doron Aizenman

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest, Dr. William Birnes (Bill Birnes - UFO Expert)

PETER O'LALOR Ph.D speaks about his latest book Shrouded in Mist: Physics and the Archaic Symbology of Metaphysics as well as the path and experiences that lead him to writing it.



The War Report on Public Education with Dr. James Avington Miller, Jr. with special guests Lucianna Sanson, Jonathan Pelto, and Robert D. skeels

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

Chief Justice for the Kingdom of Hawai'i

The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi

Interview with Jordan Maxwell