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Dr N.Rajgopal, Indian Reputed and much sought after,Vedic Astrologer,channels the Immortal Himalayan Master, Mahavatar Babaji and helps people solve any kind of problem,with Sri Babaji's Guidance, in each and every case, through a Special Divine method called as MindScope.

He is the ONLY Astrologer in India who does Mindscope Readings,with the help and guidance of his Guru, Sri Mahavatar Babaji. (Yes,same Babaji as mentioned in
Yoganandaji's Book-Autobiography Of A Yogi)

Mind boggling discoveries in physics, bio-physics and quantum physics related to the practical level. The shows features 'The Gift of Clarity' from Archangel Zadkiel

The 'Ultimate Truths of Reality" from the ancient mystery schools 2,000 years ago brought forward by the 'College of Christ Consciousness' connected to Extraterrestrial teachings of Bashar 2,700 years in our future.

Hillary Clinton's Candidacy Predicted by Nostradamus? Find out this and more with our special guest, Mario Reading author of "Nostradamus: The Complete Prophesies For The Future." Join Christina Winslow, Host of Reach For It Radio Show as she finds out about Mario Reading's groundbreaking translations of all Nostradamus's quatrains that deal specifically with the future. Reading is known as an expert on Nostradamus and will talk about his upcoming interview in the History Channel's new documentary "Nostradamus" to be aired in May 2015.

Stephen Bassett and Alexandra Meadors cover a wide array of topics regarding the Truth Embargo regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. Find out how our political history in 1947, 1964, and 2001 all played a role in why the US Military Intelligence Complex still ignores the existence of our Galactic Brothers and Sisters.

Radio Free Kanata with Kevin Annett and special guests, Ryan Gable and Dean Clifford